Lithuania 4K is a rust custom map shaped after the country of Lithuania and it features procedural monuments with unique building spots and tactical placement for fast paced action on your server.
Middle of the map is separated by connecting rivers and bridges to make travel easier.
Map has been optimized with low entity count and suitable terrain formation to reduce rendering distance even for low-end computers.
Procedural monuments :
- Ferry Terminal
- Harbor
- Fishing Villages
- Desert Military Base
- Arctic Research Base
- Outpost & Bandit Camp
- Nuclear Missile Silo
- Launch Site
- Junkyard
- Stables
- Satellite Dish
- Military Tunnel
- Water Treatment Plant
- Airfield
- Supermarket / Gas Stations / Mining Outposts
- Lighthouse
- Oil Rigs
~ Entity Count : 4151
~ Map Size : 4000
Password Comes with the map.
What's New in Version v1.1
New rocks + rivers + lakes
Any changes you wish to make on the map and do not know how to you can notify me via support or discord without issues