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South America

This is a free download custom map (Procedural map) outlining South America and its surroundings with some custom monuments that will be added in later versions.
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Hydrae Oxide

Hydrae Oxide 4K is our second free map project
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AutoCopter brings you all the tools needed to survive the Rust Apocalypse while flying in your private helicopter.
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Tanks Factory

This is great alternative of Launch Site. For looting needs red card.
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Cobalt Police Department

Custom Monument for RUST
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21 Screenshots

-1490 prefabs

A miniature version of the classic power plant. Same loot and same utilities, as well as a very similar puzzle. Perfect for small map servers.

TOS: When using it in a paid or free map that is planned on being released to the public contact me and we might be able to work something out,
otherwise no using it when releasing it to the public or anyone else.

• You are not required to credit me.
• You can use it on any kind of server without asking for permission.
• No sharing.

squishy's other works

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