This is a free download custom map (Procedural map) 3800K outlining South America and its surroundings with some custom monuments that will be added in later versions.
It is not editable yet until I finish with other monuments that I project to make in forward.
Your collaboration is important to personalize this map even more with your suggestions.
Edited by Explorer One
Update 1.2.0
What's New in Version 1.2.0
Update v1.2.0
Elimination of duplicate entities on the map.
Cristo Redentor monument restructured with loot access base.
Creation of a new Island with a Loading Dock.
Incorporation of Nuclear Missile Silo Monument.
Correction of terrain and topology errors.
Modification of Pan de Azucar cable car building structure.
Incorporation of lighting poles on the main road.
Update v1.1.0
Updated according to the latest version of rust.
Update v1.0.9
Added more mineral resources (stone, metal, brimstone) across the map to the terrain topology for better management of player gathering.
Change of some entities and position objects to fix.
Correction of some roads iintersections in better position.
Correction of underwater laboratories.
Modification design walls in obelisk elevator.
Additional protection on bridges and tunnel entrances avoiding buildings.
Modification of the height of the ocean floor with less depth for more comfortable underwater trips and dives.
Update v1.0.8
Monument, Sugarloaf Cable Car Ticket puzzle with Loot.
Fixes and minor corrections in topology.
Update v1.0.7
Update with rails and trains around the entire map on their surfaces compatible with the Train Yard monument.
Installation of railway bridges.
Vehicle paths compatible and connected with monuments for use with the Convoy plugin.
Fixes and minor corrections in topology.
Update v1.0.6
Train yard fix and minor details fixed
Update v1.0.5
Updated with latest rust updates and minor terrain fixes
Update v1.0.4
Minor fixes map and route roads adjustments.
Creation of the South American tunnel monument with npc and loot. Long tunnel throughout the map ideal for competitive races.
Update v1.0.3
New Monument, Obelisk Argentina with basic puzzle card to get loot.
Vending machines in monument.
New routes.
Creation of zip lines in a new monument.
Update v1.0.2 Elevation level correction in Fishing Village
Released May 7 2022 Update v1.0.1