Want to make upgrading bases more in depth? Got a RP server? Welcome AdditionalUpgrades, In this plugin you are able to make custom items, add them to loot sources or be obtainable through gathering wood/ore! Configure what tier of upgrade needs what, and with this amazing system you are able to make upgrading bases more in depth!
- To obtain ItemIDs use this website https://www.corrosionhour.com/rust-item-list/
- Need more custom items? Contact me directly...
- additionalupgrades.give - For the command augive
- additionalupgrades.giveto - For the command augiveto
- /augive "customitemname" "quantity"
- /augiveto "playernamorid" "customitemname" "quantity"
What's New in Version 1.0.1 See changelog
Backup and delete your current config!
- You will now see the notification above the health bar when having custom items be removed or given.
- You can now have the custom items be obtained on total gather of a tree/ore. "config option to enable and disable"
You are granted the ability to use this plugin for personal and commercial purposes, but you are denied the ability to modify, share, distribute, or sell the plugin.
Copyright © 2022 NubbbZ (Discord: NubbbZ#4586)