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South America

This is a free download custom map (Procedural map) outlining South America and its surroundings with some custom monuments that will be added in later versions.
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Tanks Factory

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Flight Course Loops 1.0.0

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4 Screenshots

Hey everyone.

These included prefabs are designed to use as mini-copter or any other type of flight school related event.


- There are 4 sets, in colors of Red, Blue, Light Blue and Green.

- Each has about 33 Entities and are large in design.


Feel free to customize them and edit them the way you like. Have some fun.

f you need help, have problems, or for any questions, please feel free to join my Discord or DM me, gpsmit84#5963.


Have a wonderful day, and chat again soon.


You may freely edit, use and customize these prefabs, in any of your own maps/monuments. They are supplied free of charge.


gpsmit84's other works

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