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South America

This is a free download custom map (Procedural map) outlining South America and its surroundings with some custom monuments that will be added in later versions.
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Hydrae Oxide

Hydrae Oxide 4K is our second free map project
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AutoCopter brings you all the tools needed to survive the Rust Apocalypse while flying in your private helicopter.
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Tanks Factory

This is great alternative of Launch Site. For looting needs red card.
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Cobalt Police Department

Custom Monument for RUST
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Magic Poncho


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Magic Poncho

Magic Poncho is an item with a custom skin and additional abilities to farm more resources in the game.
Poncho is slightly visible in the dark.
The plugin provides the ability to customize which item needs to be increased when collecting or farming resources.
The plugin provides the ability to smelt the extracted resources.
Ponchos can be repaired because ponchos lose their durability when farmed.
The plugin provides the ability to craft a poncho.
It is possible to issue an item through the server console, a command in the chat, or through another plugin.

To issue a poncho through another plugin, use:
Identifier item skin = 2806678960
Item shortname = "attire.hide.poncho";
Item name = "Magic militari poncho";

Permission Smelting = "magicponcho.smelting";
Permission Craft = "magicponcho.craft";

Chat Command "smelting"
Chat Command "craft poncho"

Console Command "give SteamID poncho"
Chat Command "/give SteamID poncho"

Default config file.

  "Global settings": {
    "Item name": "Magic militari poncho",
    "How fast the item breaks (by default, the item has 250 HP)": 1.0,
    "Enable smelting of mined resources": false,
    "Enable crafting poncho": false
  "Multiplier settings": {
    "Item list (item shortname : multiplier)": {
      "wood": 2.0,
      "stones": 2.0,
      "sulfur.ore": 2.0,
      "metal.ore": 2.0,
      "hq.metal.ore": 2.0,
      "leather": 2.0,
      "bone.fragments": 2.0,
      "fat.animal": 2.0,
      "cloth": 2.0,
      "bearmeat": 2.0,
      "meat.boar": 2.0,
      "horsemeat.raw": 2.0,
      "deermeat.raw": 2.0,
      "wolfmeat.raw": 2.0,
      "chicken.raw": 2.0,
      "cactusflesh": 2.0,
      "mushroom": 2.0,
      "potato": 2.0,
      "seed.potato": 2.0,
      "seed.hemp": 2.0,
      "pumpkin": 2.0,
      "seed.pumpkin": 2.0,
      "corn": 2.0,
      "seed.corn": 2.0,
      "yellow.berry": 2.0,
      "seed.yellow.berry": 2.0,
      "green.berry": 2.0,
      "seed.green.berry": 2.0,
      "red.berry": 2.0,
      "seed.red.berry": 2.0,
      "blue.berry": 2.0,
      "seed.blue.berry": 2.0,
      "black.berry": 2.0,
      "seed.black.berry": 2.0,
      "white.berry": 2.0,
      "seed.white.berry": 2.0
  "Crafting settings": {
    "Cost of manufacturing poncho": {
      "scrap": 250



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