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Files posted by Shiro

  1. $8

    Volans 2K

    Volans 2K is a 2000 map size featuring procedural monuments with unique landscape.
    The map has been shaped and made to encourage fast paced action and unique base locations.
    If you have any changes you wish to be done on the map and don't know how to you can contact me after purchasing the map and i will do them for you with pleasure.
    Map has been optimized for performance and to encourage action easier thanks to terrain and layout.
    Procedural Monuments :
    Water Treatment
    Satellite Dish
    Oil Rigs
    Fishing Village
    Outpost with airwolf vendor + gambling
    Entities count : 1384

    0 purchases   0 downloads

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  2. $25

    Cobalt Island 1

    Cobalt Island 1 3K is a 3000 map size featuring custom monuments mostly and procedural.
    The map has been comisioned and we decided to publish it , a compact 3000 map in size with railway system connecting above and underground with 1 single railway.
    Volcano on the map has fire damage when you approach the top of it , under the volcano there is a small custom safezone.
    Map features my custom safezone Terminus that includes perks from both Outpost and Bandit Camp.
    In the middle of the map players can challenge themselves and do Oil Rig inland surrounded by hills and enemies.
    Nuclear Meltdown monuments is suppoused to replace launch site , Bradley circles the monument guarding its entrance and loot!
    If you have any changes you wish to be done on the map and don't know how to you can contact me after purchasing the map and i will do them for you with pleasure.
    Map has been optimized for performance and to encourage action easier thanks to terrain and layout.
    Volcano will be redone with new hills before October update.
    Procedural Monuments :
    Nuclear Missile Silo Desert Military Base Harbor Military Tunnel Excavator Oil Rigs Supermarket / Gas Station / Warehouse Fishing Villages Oil Rigs Custom Monuments : 
    Nuclear Meltdown Bomb Shelter Nuclear Dome Mini Airfield Cobalt Warehouse Funky Town Custom Safezone inside the Volcano Entities count : 39199

    0 purchases   0 downloads

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  3. $12

    Lithuania 4K

    Lithuania 4K is a rust custom map shaped after the country of Lithuania and it features procedural monuments with unique building spots and tactical placement for fast paced action on your server.
    Middle of the map is separated by connecting rivers and bridges to make travel easier.
    Map has been optimized with low entity count and suitable terrain formation to reduce rendering distance even for low-end computers.
    Procedural monuments :
    Ferry Terminal Harbor Fishing Villages Desert Military Base Arctic Research Base Outpost & Bandit Camp Nuclear Missile Silo Launch Site Junkyard Stables Satellite Dish Military Tunnel Water Treatment Plant Airfield Supermarket / Gas Stations / Mining Outposts Lighthouse Oil Rigs ~ Entity Count : 4151
    ~ Map Size : 4000
    Password Comes with the map.

    0 purchases   0 downloads

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  4. $7

    MB Dragon Dome

    The Tatzelwurm emerged from a mountain cave after a centuries long sleep looking for food to try and sate its ravenous hunger. The only thing to stop it and turn it to stone was the strange copper dome it touched. A great addition to any Halloween styled map.   Explore the depths of its belly to see what loot it contains.
    Prefab Count 430

    This prefab contains:
    Crate Normal 1
    Crate Tool 2
    Npc 7
    Barrel 15
    Food Box 7
    Added beside Dome to make it more interesting for players to have fun.

    0 purchases   0 downloads

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  5. $7

    MB PumpkinHead

    The Vengeful Rust Pumpkin-Man came from the depts of his inner kingdom to reak havoc and mayhem among the Rust players of upper Earth. Unfortunalty for him he emerged in the swamp waters of Rust and turned to Stone. He is still alive within but only his eyes blaze with anger.
    Explore the surrounding area and try to find out why he emerged here.
    Prefab Count 461  (how many prefabs are in the pack)
    Simple Dock with some tug-boats ready to resupply the Underwater Labs. 
    Blue card puzzle. 

    This prefab contains:
    1 green card room
    1 blue card room
    14 Scarecrow
    5 scientist
    2 Crate Elite
    4 Crate Tool
    4 Crate Normal 2
    2 Crate normal
    Copy the prefab folder to your RustEdit Custom Prefabs folder.
    Place the prefab down and apply the prefab modifiers.
    This prefab requires rustedit.dll https://github.com/k1lly0u/Oxide.Ext.RustEdit

    0 purchases   0 downloads

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  6. Free

    Loading Station - Doublepack: Monument | Arena

    The scene shows a rotten loading station surrounded by a little forest, which was used to reload goods from trains to trucks and trucks to trains in the good old times.
    But it isn´t so leave as it seems. A group of scientists was using the loading station to reload armory to a train and send it to the compound as suddenly one of the rusty structures collapsed and buried an armored truck among themselves.
    It´s your task to clear the area of scientists and find a way to open the armored truck to gain access to the weapons inside.
    While exploring the area you will see, you and the scientists are not the only ones who used the loading station for their own purposes.
     Two versions of the "Loading Station".
           First one is the monument version for normal use on your server, with all loot, effects, IO elements and levels you can go to
           The second one is the arena version for using with the deathmatch or gungame plugins. Reduced prefab count and no loot + colliders
     Prefab count monument: 4820
           Prefab count arena: 1819
     Monument: alpha mask, biome mask, height mask, texture mask, topology mask
           Arena: texture mask, topology mask 
     Custom Loot (custom loot presets included if you have trouble loading the custom loot)
     Custom vending machine (custom vending preset included if you have trouble loading the loot inside of it)
     Custom CCTVs
     Scientist NPCs
     Many custom prefabs
     Path around the area for optional bradley spawns
     Hidden "easteregg" crate
     A more demanding door puzzle as the usual greencard/bluecard/redcard puzzles
     Little safezone inside the monument (you just have to find it)
     Fully accessible. You can climb any building and travel trough the sewer system

    The Prefab was initially  created by ☆☆☆ Abracadaver ☆☆☆


       (0 reviews)



  7. $12

    Military Island

    Military-Island, a multi-level loot monument where weapons are stored for the military.
    It is recommended to add bradley to patrol the island from harbor to top for a better experience.
    This prefab contains 5 puzzles: 1 Green 3 Blue and 1 Red Card Puzzel
    NPC scientists guard and protect the weapons.
    You have the opportunity to storm and loot this camp but be careful because this monument is not easy.
    I wish you a lot of fun exploring the island.

    Prefab Count 1700 (how many prefabs are in the pack)
    this prefab contains
    1 Red Card Room
    3 Blue Card Room
    1 Green Card room
    33 Crate
    16 Barrel
    20 NPC
    Copy the prefab folder to your RustEdit Custom Prefabs folder.
    Place the prefab down and apply the prefab modifiers.
    This prefab requires rustedit.dll https://github.com/k1lly0u/Oxide.Ext.RustEdit

    0 purchases   0 downloads

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  8. Free

    M&B-Studios Broken Lighthouse

    I have a set of broken lighthouses here, they are very close to the original, there are 3 different ones (Original, Snow, Ice,).
    I have also created 2 where a ship has run aground this is with a BlueCard here are two elite crates included.
    Copy the prefab folder to your RustEdit Custom Prefabs folder.
    Place the prefab down and apply the prefab modifiers.
    This prefab requires rustedit.dll https://github.com/k1lly0u/Oxide.Ext.RustEdit


       (0 reviews)



  9. $2.99


    Laser font set from 0-9 and A-Z.
    This font set projects any lettering onto the back of a pane of glass or onto any other object.
    The further away the lasers are from the object to be projected, the larger the lettering and vice versa.
    After the lasers are placed in the desired arrangement, they can be broken and connected to generators using the OR switches attached to the back of each laser.
    Contents of the package:
    - Numbers from 0-9
    - Letters from A-Z
    - Laser measure to measure the maximum distance between the laser and the object to be illuminated
    - 3 additional flicker generators to generate a flicker effect if desired
    The Prefab was created by ☆☆☆ Abracadaver ☆☆☆

    0 purchases   0 downloads

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  10. Free

    Sliding Doors

    This prefab contains

    This prefab requires rustedit.dll https://github.com/k1lly0u/Oxide.Ext.RustEdit

    1 download

       (0 reviews)



  11. Free

    Ready to use Puzzle Green/Blue/Red Doors

    Here are all three doors including card reader (working)

    1 download

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  12. Free

    Cabins with Card Readers

    Cabins with card reader Green-Red-Blue
    This prefab requires rustedit.dll https://github.com/k1lly0u/Oxide.Ext.RustEdit

    1 download

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  13. Free

    Truck Crash

    A little decor scene with two trucks crashed on open street. Some flame and tesla effect for the ambience.
    The tesla sparks from the electricity pylon are dealing damage.

    The Prefab was created by ☆☆☆ Abracadaver ☆☆☆

    1 download

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  14. $9.99


    his prefab is structured like the Sphere Tank, but has a lot more surprises and loot.
    Prefab Count 598 (how many prefabs are in the pack)
    This prefab contains :
    1 Green Card Puzzle 36 Crate (Normal, Elite, Food, Medic) 20 Barrels (Loot-Barrel 1, Loot-Barrel 2, Oil-Barrel) 21 NPC Copy the prefab folder to your RustEdit Custom Prefabs folder.
    Drop the prefab and apply the prefab modifiers.
    This prefab requires Rustedit.dll https://github.com/k1lly0u/Oxide.Ext.RustEdit

    0 purchases   0 downloads

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  15. $2.99


    A nice car shop with an integrated car repair shop. The monument features a custom recycler and lots of decorative elements. Best suited for a roleplay server.
    Usable Items:
    1 x Phone
    2 x Car lift
    1 x Custom Recycler
    1 x Fridge
    1 x Radio
    Entity Count  : 21833

    Created by M&B Studios @Blacky McHase

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  16. $2.50


    Prefab Count 154 (how many prefabs are in the pack)

    This prefab contains
    4 Crate Normal 
    2 Med Crate
    2 Tool Crate
    1 Fuel Crate 
    2 NPC
    Copy the prefab folder to your RustEdit Custom Prefabs folder.
    Place the prefab down and apply the prefab modifiers.
    This prefab requires rustedit.dll https://github.com/k1lly0u/Oxide.Ext.RustEdit

    0 purchases   0 downloads

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  17. Free


    Combined the two oilrigs, to make a more dangerous and exciting adventure of raiding the rigs.
    The rigs are connected with some cranes and pipes, simulating a construction site. You can use the pipes to switch between the two oilrigs.
    Tweaked the decorations a little and added some ladder triggers.
    I have repaired it and have permission to publish it
    The Prefab was originally created by Abracadaver 


       (0 reviews)



  18. $25

    The Oxide Islands 3K

    The Oxide Islands 3K  is a rust custom map containing 7 big islands with procedural  monuments and unique base opportunities and 5 small islands with no monuments or whatsoever
    to encourage building! 
    Terrain of the map is 3000 with all islands together , 5000 with ocean included.
    Map is done in a very unatural way for rust casual players with the terrain being split in different islands not too close together, the islands are connected via railways
    from one end to the other having stations at every major island and Terminus at important islands or monuments where one line ends.
    The map features Terminus Safe Zone which combines both Compound and Bandit Camp features all in 1 place in an unique reproduction i attempted at remaking Terminus and Alexandria
    from The Walking Dead show.
    On the mountains you will find a very tactical location for helicopters hunting , a unique custom Heli Tower prefab.
    Between the 3 major monuments in south you can find a custom military underwater base with elite loot and a bradley guarding it! 
    In the ZIP file you will find a SimpleWorkcartSpawner plugin thats be designed in a light way to spawn workcarts only on certain spots around the map which are added in
    the config that comes along with the map in the ZIP file , there you can edit which ones you want to spawn , if less or more , how often and if any.
    Along with that workcart plugin there is another plugin to prevent map theft that you will have to upload in your plugins folder to ensure that noone who joins your server
    will be able to run that map on theirs without owning it!
    The map features custom and procedural monuments 
    ~Procedural Monuments :
    - Launch Site
    - Excavator
    - Military Tunnels
    - Airfield
    - Power Plant
    - Water Treatment Plant
    - Trainyard
    - Sewerbranch
    - Sphere Tank
    - Desert Military Base
    - Roadside monuments including  Supermarkets - Mining Outposts
    - Fishing Villages
    - Lighthouses
    - Stables 
    - Several underwater Labs
    ~ Custom Monuments :
    - Terminus Safezone
    - Public Heli Tower
    - Military Underwater Base made by Immp & edited by me

    ~ Entity Count : 37571
    ~ Map Size : 5000
    Password Comes with the map.

    5 purchases   3 downloads

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  19. $5

    Wayfarer Island One Grid Map

    Map is built on a exotic layout with unique sightseeing points and tactical placements to ensure players interactions at any corner around the island or inside the island.
    The map contains custom monuments and prefabs laid around for interaction
    Modified fishing village safezone  and a ravaged lighthouse 
    A large cave system built like a maze with easter eggs and a loot room hidden in the mineshafts
    Map has both Oil rigs and underwater labs and underground tunnel system.
    ~ Entity Count : 2176
    ~ Map Size : 1000
    Password Comes with the map.

    19 purchases   35 downloads

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  20. $8

    ProcG5 2500

    Procedural 2500 size map edited with large monuments and above ground railway network
    The railway network above ground passes by all the monuments and follows the road, it is  a loop.
    Procedural Monuments : 
    Ferry Terminal
    Large & Small Harbor
    Fishing Villages
    Desert Mil Base
    Outpost + Airwolf Vendor + Gambling
    Launch Site
    Train Yard
    Nuclear Missile Silo
    Sat Dish
    Supermarket & Warehouse
    Underwater Labs
    Oil Rig Small & Large
    Map Size : 2500
    Entity Count : 3868

    1 purchase   1 download

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  21. $8

    ProcG2 2500

    Procedural 2500 size map edited with large monuments and above ground railway network
    The railway network above ground passes by all the monuments and is a loop.
    Procedural Monuments : 
    Launch Site
    Outpost with bandit airwolf vendor + gambling area
    Large harbor
    Missile Silo
    Ferry Terminal
    Sewer Branch
    Fishing Villages
    Underwater Lab
    Oil Rigs
    Gas Station
    Map Size : 2500
    Entity Count : 4464

    1 purchase   1 download

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  22. $35

    Stalker 2K

    Stalker 2K is a 2000 map size featuring Stalker monuments mostly , a mini airfield and Shemov's Tanks Factory.
    The map has been comisioned and we decided to publish it , the concept of the map is mostly above ground space for base building and scavenging and underground action and looting/puzzles since most of the monuments have their core puzzles in large underground structures.
    Map has been optimized for performance and to encourage action easier thanks to terrain and layout.
    Procedural Monuments :
    Fishing Villages
    Train Yard
    Gas Station
    Oil Rigs
    Custom Monuments : 
    Stalker Nuclear Plant
    Stalker Lab 1
    Stalker Lab 2
    Stalker Bar Safezone
    Tanks Factory
    Entities count : 30093

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  23. $15

    Bocanegra 3K

    Bocanegra  is a custom shaped island featuring unique building locations  and facepunch monuments , highly optimized for PVP/E gameplay and gameplay performance for low-end computers to reduce rendering distance.
    Procedural Monuments : 
    Launch Site
    Fery Terminal
    Fishing Villages
    Desert Military Base
    Arctic Research Base
    Nuclear Missile Silo
    Outpost ( with airworld vendor and gambling)
    Satellite Dish
    Military Tunnel
    Supermarket , Warehouses , Gas Station
    Oil Rigs
    Custom Monuments :
    Map Size : 3000
    Entity Count : 4560

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  24. $15


    Mini-Airfield is a reconstruction of the Facepunch procedural broken Airfield from @kilgoar but 50% smaller , keeping the original puzzle and deleting extra assets that took space and re-arranging the layout abit.
    This is part of a mini-monument series i started and they are perfect for small maps if you want to keep the same procedural monuments but smaller with a twist and extra decor.
    Just like normal Airfield this has a Green and Blue keycard puzzle with all the normal loot from Airfield present.
    No underground entrance present so you'd have to place your own outside or if you wish it inside just message me and i can make it happen.
    If you use plugins for events that use Airfield this might not work and you'd have to use 3rd party plugins like Monument Finder.
    Entity count : 1440
    Size 1 Grid and a half , normal Airfield is 3 grids +/-.

    3 purchases   2 downloads

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  25. $35

    6 3000 Maps Bundle With Railways & Launch Site

    This is a bundle consisting of 6 of my procedural edited 3000 sized maps with added Launch Site and above ground railways featuring monuments that are normally not present on small maps and railways to ease the transporation across the map.
    All maps are 3000 sized , to read in detail about each map you can check them out here individually before purchasing .

    1 purchase   2 downloads

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