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Files posted by Shiro

  1. $8

    ProcG5 2500

    Procedural 2500 size map edited with large monuments and above ground railway network
    The railway network above ground passes by all the monuments and follows the road, it is  a loop.
    Procedural Monuments : 
    Ferry Terminal
    Large & Small Harbor
    Fishing Villages
    Desert Mil Base
    Outpost + Airwolf Vendor + Gambling
    Launch Site
    Train Yard
    Nuclear Missile Silo
    Sat Dish
    Supermarket & Warehouse
    Underwater Labs
    Oil Rig Small & Large
    Map Size : 2500
    Entity Count : 3868

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  2. $8

    ProcG2 2500

    Procedural 2500 size map edited with large monuments and above ground railway network
    The railway network above ground passes by all the monuments and is a loop.
    Procedural Monuments : 
    Launch Site
    Outpost with bandit airwolf vendor + gambling area
    Large harbor
    Missile Silo
    Ferry Terminal
    Sewer Branch
    Fishing Villages
    Underwater Lab
    Oil Rigs
    Gas Station
    Map Size : 2500
    Entity Count : 4464

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  3. $35

    Stalker 2K

    Stalker 2K is a 2000 map size featuring Stalker monuments mostly , a mini airfield and Shemov's Tanks Factory.
    The map has been comisioned and we decided to publish it , the concept of the map is mostly above ground space for base building and scavenging and underground action and looting/puzzles since most of the monuments have their core puzzles in large underground structures.
    Map has been optimized for performance and to encourage action easier thanks to terrain and layout.
    Procedural Monuments :
    Fishing Villages
    Train Yard
    Gas Station
    Oil Rigs
    Custom Monuments : 
    Stalker Nuclear Plant
    Stalker Lab 1
    Stalker Lab 2
    Stalker Bar Safezone
    Tanks Factory
    Entities count : 30093

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  4. $15

    Bocanegra 3K

    Bocanegra  is a custom shaped island featuring unique building locations  and facepunch monuments , highly optimized for PVP/E gameplay and gameplay performance for low-end computers to reduce rendering distance.
    Procedural Monuments : 
    Launch Site
    Fery Terminal
    Fishing Villages
    Desert Military Base
    Arctic Research Base
    Nuclear Missile Silo
    Outpost ( with airworld vendor and gambling)
    Satellite Dish
    Military Tunnel
    Supermarket , Warehouses , Gas Station
    Oil Rigs
    Custom Monuments :
    Map Size : 3000
    Entity Count : 4560

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  5. $15


    Mini-Airfield is a reconstruction of the Facepunch procedural broken Airfield from @kilgoar but 50% smaller , keeping the original puzzle and deleting extra assets that took space and re-arranging the layout abit.
    This is part of a mini-monument series i started and they are perfect for small maps if you want to keep the same procedural monuments but smaller with a twist and extra decor.
    Just like normal Airfield this has a Green and Blue keycard puzzle with all the normal loot from Airfield present.
    No underground entrance present so you'd have to place your own outside or if you wish it inside just message me and i can make it happen.
    If you use plugins for events that use Airfield this might not work and you'd have to use 3rd party plugins like Monument Finder.
    Entity count : 1440
    Size 1 Grid and a half , normal Airfield is 3 grids +/-.

    3 purchases   2 downloads

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  6. $35

    6 3000 Maps Bundle With Railways & Launch Site

    This is a bundle consisting of 6 of my procedural edited 3000 sized maps with added Launch Site and above ground railways featuring monuments that are normally not present on small maps and railways to ease the transporation across the map.
    All maps are 3000 sized , to read in detail about each map you can check them out here individually before purchasing .

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  7. $8

    ProcG14 3000

    Procedural 3000 size map edited with large monuments and above ground railway network
    The railway network above ground passes by all the monuments and follows the road, it is  a loop and connected with underground system .
    Procedural Monuments : 
    Ferry Terminal
    Large & Small Harbor
    Fishing Villages
    Desert Mil Base
    Outpost + Airwolf Vendor + Gambling
    Launch Site
    Military Tunnel
    Train Yard
    Nuclear Missile Silo
    Satellite Dish
    Sphere Tank
    Power Plant
    Water Treatment Plant
    Sewer Branch
    Ice Lakes
    Gas Stations , warehouses , Supermarkets
    Oil Rigs and Lighthouses

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  8. $10

    SAM Site Targets

    Ever wanted to make SAMSites shoot at the Patrol Helicopter or any other vehicles/entities? Well you can with SAM Site Targets, Config is easy and simple, use https://github.com/OrangeWulf/Rust-Docs/blob/master/Entities.md to find the entities shortprefabname, and change the config and bam!
    Unfortunately the default targeting vehicles like the minicopter are hardcoded in the samsite code, so if u change the targeting range to under 150 it wont work as the hardcoded value takes over...
    If you have the permission set to "", it would make it so all SAMSites attack that entity, bypassing the entity owner check!
    { "Entities": { "attackhelicopter.entity": { "Can be targeted by static SAM Sites?": true, "Enabled": false, "Permission": "samsitetargets.attackhelicopter", "Rocket damage multiplier!": 1.0, "Rocket speed multiplier!": 1.0, "Seconds between rocket bursts!": 5.0, "Targeting range!": 150.0 }, "bradleyapc": { "Can be targeted by static SAM Sites?": true, "Enabled": false, "Permission": "samsitetargets.bradley", "Rocket damage multiplier!": 1.0, "Rocket speed multiplier!": 1.0, "Seconds between rocket bursts!": 5.0, "Targeting range!": 150.0 }, "ch47.entity": { "Can be targeted by static SAM Sites?": true, "Enabled": false, "Permission": "samsitetargets.ch47", "Rocket damage multiplier!": 1.0, "Rocket speed multiplier!": 1.0, "Seconds between rocket bursts!": 5.0, "Targeting range!": 150.0 }, "minicopter.entity": { "Can be targeted by static SAM Sites?": true, "Enabled": false, "Permission": "samsitetargets.minicopter", "Rocket damage multiplier!": 1.0, "Rocket speed multiplier!": 1.0, "Seconds between rocket bursts!": 5.0, "Targeting range!": 150.0 }, "patrolhelicopter": { "Can be targeted by static SAM Sites?": true, "Enabled": false, "Permission": "samsitetargets.patrolheli", "Rocket damage multiplier!": 1.0, "Rocket speed multiplier!": 1.0, "Seconds between rocket bursts!": 5.0, "Targeting range!": 150.0 }, "scraptransporthelicopter": { "Can be targeted by static SAM Sites?": true, "Enabled": false, "Permission": "samsitetargets.scrapheli", "Rocket damage multiplier!": 1.0, "Rocket speed multiplier!": 1.0, "Seconds between rocket bursts!": 5.0, "Targeting range!": 150.0 } } }

    4 purchases   7 downloads

       (0 reviews)



  9. $70

    Custom Maps Bundle #4

    This is a bundle featuring 6 ( Bermudas has 2 versions one with railways above ground and one without)  of my custom maps ranging from 3000 to 4000 in size.
    All maps feature both procedural and custom monuments and some of them have above ground railways !
    Maps in this bundle : 

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  10. $85

    Custom Maps Bundle #3

    This is a bundle featuring 5 of my custom maps all  4000 in size.
    All maps feature both procedural and custom monuments and some of them have above ground railways !
    Maps in this bundle : 

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  11. $110

    Custom Maps Bundle #2

    This is a bundle featuring 5 of my custom maps all ranging from 3000 to 4000 in size.
    All maps feature both procedural and custom monuments and some of them have above ground railways !
    Maps in this bundle : 

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  12. $50

    Custom Maps Bundle #1

    A bundle containing all 5 maps orientated for PVP servers but not only and quick interaction between players.
    All maps feature procedural monuments
    Maps sizes 3000-4000
    In this bundle you will find : 

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  13. $55

    Stalker Monuments Bundle

    The Stalker Monuments  Bundle consists of 5 unique monuments to place down on your maps and let your players immerse in the atmosphere of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. , surprise your players with those monuments ranging from small to large both above and under ground and give them comfort with the unique safe zone design or let them wonder what's inside the Checkpoints around your maps!
    In this bundle you will find : 

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  14. $5

    Quick Gut

    Do you want to make your players lives easier? QuickGut allows your players to gut stacks of fish instantly!  Saving time and making them happy!
    Plugin is simple and straight forward with no configuration!
    By default quickgut wont be enabled for the player, they ether need to enter the command /gut to enable it or you need to give them the permission quickgut.active when given access... Permissions:
    quickgut.use - Allows the player to use the command /gut and allows them to gut fish instantly! quickgut.active - Toggle weather the player has quickgut enabled or not! Commands:
    /gut - Toggles the feature on or off!

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  15. $5

    Team Menu

    Simple system allows players to choose which team/side/faction or group they want to be in.
    On first load you will have to create your own oxide groups for the players to chose from example "Team A/ Team B" you can easily rename those from lang file to example "Scavangers/Residents" or whatever you want.
    The purpouse of this plugin is for PVE/Roleplay servers with different types of perks for different types of oxide groups or Event Servers where players can chose their sides.
    TeamMenu.change - Allows you to use the command /changeteam Commands:
    /changeteam API:
    bool ForceChangeTeam (string id) string GetPlayerTeam (string id) string[] GetTeamMembers (string Team) int? GetTeamCount (string Team) Configuration:
    { "onLoad": true, "onAwake": true, "Confirmation_Message": false, "AutoShow_TeamRemoval": true, "TeamA": { "Group": "teama", "Color": "1 0 0 1" }, "TeamB": { "Group": "teamb", "Color": "0 0 1 1" } } Language:
    { "UI_Description": "Choose your desired faction... It can be changed by doing /changeteam in chat...", "Confirmation_Message": "Welcome to the team, blah blah blah.", "TeamA": "TeamA", "TeamB": "TeamB" }  

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  16. $5


    Protect your loot! This is the best plugin to protect your Storage Boxes, Research Table, Repair Bench, Furnace, Large Furnace, ETC! Anything that is a placeable storage object, in or around your base from being looted, or picked up! Super optimized at under 80 lines of code! With Team feature!
    You can only pick up or loot an object if you are the original owner of the object, or you are authorized on the tool cupboard, or if teams is enabled the owner of the object is in your team/You in their team!
    lootguard.bypass - Bypass the protection restrictions!


    4 purchases   5 downloads

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  17. $18

    OffShore Building Bundle 1

    The OffShore Building Bundle 1 consists of 5 islands  created for the sole purpouse of giving your players the perfect islands to build on away from the main land and enrich their experiences with unique layouts for each of the islands.
    The Bundle contains the following : 

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  18. $20

    InLand Building Bundle

    The InLand Building Bundle consists of 5 unique prefabs to place down on your maps and let your players look for them on the map and try find a way to use them properly while building unique base designs!
    In this bundle you will find : 

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  19. $5

    Stone Island [Building Prefab]

    Stone Island is part of a series of off-shore islands made for player building only.
    The island is 1 grid big !
    The first level is accessible from ocean level by jumping on the low cliffs and the whole area is buildable , to access the second level of the island there are 3 spots accessible with rocks ladder to climb up.
    Second level of the island has topology for trees , animals , ore and edibles spawns , second level is also fully buildable.
    All masks are present (height , topology , splat) , please make sure if you place it down on your maps to remove ocean topology where it is placed to make sure everything spawns properly and there's no ocean spawns on the island! This will have to be done with any off-shore monuments as it takes the ocean topology of the map and it applies it automatically when you place it down.
    Entity Count : 108

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  20. $5

    Abandoned Barn (Building Location)

    Let your players stumble upon this Abandoned Barn and discover the entrance to a cave system where they can build their bases and hide from enemies.
    The main structure consists of ground floor (entrance) with a tool box behind the covers and little space to build foundations for door/s and the ladder leading to the second floor with place to place down storage chests and other items.
    Cave system is accessible via the open hole at the back of the barn behind the car and the covers , main cave is a small space for a medium sized base with enough lighting from the ceilling glowing worms and lanterns.
    Second cave is accessible via the main cave and it's big enough to fit a large base although there's little to no lighting inside the large cave.
    Please keep in mind this is a prefab meant for base build and not a monument so there are no puzzles or loot present except a small toolbox behind the covers on ground floor.
    All Masks are present (Alpha,Height,Splat) 
    Entity Count : 265

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  21. Free

    W4Ter 4.4K

    W4Ter 4.4K  is a rust custom map with all facepunch monuments featured in unique locations for players to build and enjoy the beauties of a well made rust map terrain
    Map is free to use but not so share or claim as its own. 
    Map has been made by Shiro & Blunt.
    Password comes with the map inside the "Read me" file.
    ~Facepunch Monuments :
    - Launch Site
    - Excavator
    - Military Tunnels
    - Airfield
    - Power Plant
    - Water Treatment Plant
    - Junkyard
    - Sewerbranch
    - Sphere Tank
    - Satellite Dish
    - Arctic Research Base
    - Bandit Town
    - Outpost
    - Couple Caves & Ice Lakes & Swamps 
    - Roadside monuments including Gas Stations - Supermarkets - Mining Outposts
    - Fishing Villages
    - Lighthouses
    - Water Wells & Quarries
    - Stables 
    - Several underwater Labs

    ~ Entity Count : 9029
    ~ Map Size : 4400
    Password Comes with the map.


       (0 reviews)



  22. Free

    Crane Island 3.8K

    Crane Island 3.8 k  is a rust custom map with all procedural monuments featured in unique locations for players to build and enjoy the beauties of a well made rust map terrain
    The map contains all procedural monuments
    Map is free to use but not so share or claim as its own. Terrain has been build by Blunt , reviewed &  updated by @Shiro.
    Password comes with the map inside the "Read me" file.
    In the zip file you have a plugin you must upload on your server before starting the server with this map or else server will not start!
    The map features custom and procedural monuments 
    ~Procedural Monuments :
    - Launch Site
    - Excavator
    - Military Tunnels
    - Airfield
    - Power Plant
    - Water Treatment Plant
    - Trainyard
    - Junkyard
    - Sewerbranch
    - Sphere Tank
    - Satellite Dish
    - Desert Military Base
    - Arctic Research Base
    - Bandit Town
    - Outpost
    - Couple Caves & Ice Lakes & Swamps 
    - Roadside monuments including Gas Stations - Supermarkets - Mining Outposts
    - Fishing Villages
    - Lighthouses
    - Water Wells & Quarries
    - Stables 
    - Several underwater Labs

    ~ Entity Count : 9132
    ~ Map Size : 3850
    Password Comes with the map.


       (2 reviews)



  23. Free

    Hydrae Oxide

    Hydrae Oxide 4K is our second free map project that i started in november featuring custom monuments and prefabs from our vendors , unfortunately back then we were not able to release it
    due to issues with Linux servers hosting this map , so i had to redo whole map from 0 after my medical break!
    Finally i picked up the project again in February and worked on it every x days when i found time and now it is here ! Featuring monuments and prefabs , freebies from our vendors!
    Map has unique landscape and base building opportunities , unique roadside loot locations and a large railway network system connecting all monuments together to ensure a pleasant
    experience for the players while enjoying your server/s! 
    You and your players will find exquisite monuments and easter eggs in those monuments which will make you giggle for sure!
    Around the main island there are a couple small islands scattered for the hermits who want to build far from the others and have no neighbours.
    Map is optimized for low entity count and proper terrain to ensure rendering is not a problem no  matter the PC specs!
    The map features custom and procedural monuments 
    Big thanks to @Abracadaverfor helping me with the electrics problem we had before publishing! Our featured files on this map are from @Niko@Ixis  @LAMBO7000 @Kahoand @38-Ra for his jetfighter and of  course me .
    Password is NOT included! The map is just for personal use for your servers just like The Oxide map our first Free map project!
    Put HydraeMapLock in oxide/plugins or else your server will not start!
    ~Procedural Monuments :
    - Launch Site
    - Excavator
    - Military Tunnels
    - Airfield
    - Power Plant
    - Water Treatment Plant
    - Trainyard
    - Sewerbranch
    - Harbor
    - Junkyard
    - Sphere Tank
    - Satellite Dish x2
    - Desert Military Base
    - Roadside monuments including  Supermarkets - Mining Outposts
    - Fishing Villages
    - Lighthouses
    - Stables
    - Supermarkets & Mining Outposts and Gas Stations
    - Large and Small Oil Rigs
    - Several underwater Labs
    ~ Custom Monuments & Prefabs:
    - Museum Heist Monument
    - Area 52 Monument
    - Farm Monument
    - FckboyShed
    - Bandit Swamp
    - Winter Cabin
    - Ranger Lookout
    - Offshore Bunker
    ~ Entity Count : 32058
    ~ Map Size : 4000.


       (4 reviews)



  24. $30

    Hydrae Oxide 4K UNLocked (Password Included)

    Hydrae Oxide 4K UNLocked is the paid version of our free map projects , i've released it with password aswell after having so much demand for the password !
    Map has unique landscape and base building opportunities , unique roadside loot locations and a large railway network system connecting all monuments together to ensure a pleasant
    experience for the players while enjoying your server/s! 
    You and your players will find exquisite monuments and easter eggs in those monuments which will make you giggle for sure!
    Around the main island there are a couple small islands scattered for the hermits who want to build far from the others and have no neighbours.
    Map is optimized for low entity count and proper terrain to ensure rendering is not a problem no  matter the PC specs!
    The map features custom and procedural monuments 
    Big thanks to @Abracadaverfor helping me with the electrics problem we had before publishing! Our featured files on this map are from @Niko@Ixis  @LAMBO7000 @Kahoand @38-Ra for his jetfighter and of  course me .
    Put HydraeMapLock in oxide/plugins or else your server will not start!
    Join my discord for any questions or comissions : https://discord.gg/54P3mv4n93

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  25. $5

    Project Medusa Small Custom Map

    About Project Medusa Small Custom Map
    This custom map has a story behind it, its a 1.5k Size custom map however there is plenty of building space for up to 50 - 100 people and 12 monuments with a Bradley path.
    Map originally made by  Umer778
    Cave Excavation:

    Abandoned Tunnel:

    Project Medusa:

    Custom Monuments :
    Information Hub (Mid Tier loot) Project Medusa (High Tier loot) Trader (Safe Zone) Business Man (Safe Zone) Cave Excavation (Low Tier Loot - Chinook Drop zone) Abandoned Military Base (Mid Tier Loot - Chinook Drop zone) Abandoned Tunnel (Low Tier Loot) Customized Lighthouse (Mid Tier Loot) Makeshift Harbor (Low Tier Loot) Rust Monuments:
    Dome (Mid Tier Loot) Oxums Gas Station (Low Tier Loot - Chinook Drop zone) Large Oil Rig (High Tier Loot) Mining Outpost (Low Tier Loot) Fishing Village (Safe Zone) There is a Bradley setup that goes from Dome to the crossroads near Oxums gas station and then back again, this is for the story. If you don't want this then simply disable Bradley spawn in the rust config!
    There are a few plugins that will enhance the experience of this map, the BradleyGuards Plugin and Plagued Murderers Plugin!
    This map does require https://github.com/k1lly0u/Oxide.Ext.RustEdit to work, as do all custom rust maps.

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