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Everything posted by NubbbZ

  1. Version 1.0.0


    This plugin allows you to place and pickup recyclers! It is simple and perfect for your tebex shop, give the players the ability buy a recycler, without having to wait for an admin to place it! Hit it with a hammer and its in your inventory! Simple as that! Notes: If you plan on changing the skin do it before giving anyone a place able recycler, as it will break the current placed recyclers! "Wont allow them to pick them up" Permissions: placeablerecyclers.give - permission for the command /giverecycler placeablerecyclers.remove - permission for the command /removerecycler Commands: /giverecycler - Would give you a recycler! /giverecycler [playername] - Would give the player name given a recycler! /removerecycler - Toggleable command to enable/disable the ability to pickup a placeablerecycler! Configuration: { "SkinID": 2245200021 } Language: { "Given": "<color=green>A Placeable Recycler has been given to {0}!</color>", "Returned": "<color=green>You have picked up the recycler!</color>", "PlayerNotFound": "<color=red>Cannot find the player by the given ID or Name {0}!</color>" }
  2. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    Recyclers are back on the oil rigs just like it used to be! You can customize the location of the recycler however you want! Notes: OilrigAI = Small Oil Rig OilrigAI2 = Large Oil Rig Use RustEdit to get the position and rotation information if you plan on changing its location! "place the oil rig prefab in the center of the map, set its position and rotation all to 0 and then place your recycler and get its position/rotation" Configuration:
  3. NubbbZ


    Version 1.0.0


    Protect your loot! This is the best plugin to protect your Storage Boxes, Research Table, Repair Bench, Furnace, Large Furnace, ETC! Anything that is a placeable storage object, in or around your base from being looted, or picked up! Super optimized at under 80 lines of code! With Team feature! You can only pick up or loot an object if you are the original owner of the object, or you are authorized on the tool cupboard, or if teams is enabled the owner of the object is in your team/You in their team! Permissions: lootguard.bypass - Bypass the protection restrictions! Configuration: Language:
  4. NubbbZ


    Version 1.0.0


    Lock players inventory's instantly through command or permissions! Commands: /lock playername type /unlock playername type *type = "wear, main, belt" Permissions: inventorylock.use inventorylock.bypass inventorylock.main inventorylock.belt inventorylock.wear Language:
  5. NubbbZ

    Horse Logger

    Version 1.0.0


    Have you ever had players steel from other players horses and cant just catch em? This plugin logs items being taken and added to a horses storage, so you can catch horse looters! Permissions: horselogger.use Commands: /horseid - While looking at a horse, it returns the horses ID which would be used to find the log file!
  6. Version 1.0.0


    This plugin lets you control every aspect of a FishTrap! From its percentage of catch to how often it catches! You can make fish traps 2X or 5X! This plugin is compatible with ContinuousFishTraps! Note: Do not change the name of the fish in the targetWildlife! decayDamageScale: 1 being 100% of the fishtraps health! Weight: is like a percentage of catch, for example you have 60% chance to catch minnows! tickRate: is for how often u want the fishtrap to catch fish! trappedEffectRepeatRate: is how often do u want the effect that a fish has been caught to occur! trapSuccessRate: what chance do u want the fish traps to catch fish on the first try! 1 being 100% Example config to ignore certain bait "ignoreBait": [ "bearmeat.cooked", "pumpkin" ] Configuration: "Note: The default config has the default configuration of a vanilla fish trap" To do: Custom loot table!
  7. Version 1.0.0


    This plugin lets the fish traps run without stopping! Normally when using the fish traps you have to empty them out or just at least open them to reset them to catch another fish. This plugin is compatible with FishtrapController Permission: continuousfishtraps.use Configuration:
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Block the use of certain tools when gathering an NPC, Player, Animal, Node, Tree, ETC! Control what tools they cannot use! Permissions: bettertoolblocker.bypass Configuration: Language:
  9. NubbbZ


    Version 1.0.0


    You can skin items that are already placed! Note: To be able to use this plugin, the player first must have the permission or be in a group with the permission. You can only skin an object that is whitelisted in the config. Only add an items that are skinable into the whitelist! To be able to change the skin of an object, it must be in the whitelist! And then only if you placed it, or are authorized on the TC, and if you have 'UseTeams' enabled, you can skin items placed by members from your team. It is ideal to stand fully and look at the object directly before skinning, because the raycast ray is positioned to your head! Permissions: skinsight.use "Command: /skinitem" skinsight.reset "Command: /skinreset" skinsight.info "Command: /getskinid" skinsight.bypass "Allows you to use the commands, bypassing the security checks!" Commands: /skinitem skinid /skinreset /getskinid Configuration: Language:
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