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Found 4 results

  1. View File Wayfarer Island One Grid Map Map is built on a exotic layout with unique sightseeing points and tactical placements to ensure players interactions at any corner around the island or inside the island. The map contains custom monuments and prefabs laid around for interaction Modified fishing village safezone and a ravaged lighthouse A large cave system built like a maze with easter eggs and a loot room hidden in the mineshafts Map has both Oil rigs and underwater labs and underground tunnel system. ~ Entity Count : 2176 ~ Map Size : 1000 Password Comes with the map. Submitter Shiro Submitted 04/16/2022 Category Maps  
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Map is built on a exotic layout with unique sightseeing points and tactical placements to ensure players interactions at any corner around the island or inside the island. The map contains custom monuments and prefabs laid around for interaction Modified fishing village safezone and a ravaged lighthouse A large cave system built like a maze with easter eggs and a loot room hidden in the mineshafts Map has both Oil rigs and underwater labs and underground tunnel system. ~ Entity Count : 2176 ~ Map Size : 1000 Password Comes with the map.
  3. View File Matryoshka Mini Map A small, yet beautiful map. Only Facepunch monuments are on the map so players aren't confused when joining. Both oilrigs are on the top and right of the map, close to the fishing villages. Two underwater labs are there also. The map has a full progression system from green card to red card. A small pond is located in the desert, serving as a small attraction for players. Perfect for onegrid or small map servers. Map size: 2000 Submitter squishy Submitted 04/16/2022 Category Maps  
  4. Version 1.0.0


    A small, yet beautiful map. Only Facepunch monuments are on the map so players aren't confused when joining. Both oilrigs are on the top and right of the map, close to the fishing villages. Two underwater labs are there also. The map has a full progression system from green card to red card. A small pond is located in the desert, serving as a small attraction for players. Perfect for onegrid or small map servers. Map size: 2000
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