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  1. View File Underwater Train Station Fear of the deep sea? Now you can overcome it with this wonderful window to the ocean. Stand out on your server with Underwater Train Station, an underwater train station with access to the subway tunnel. - Contains: NPCS, Loot, Puzzles and a nice decoration. - Tip: You can remove the train tracks and put your own custom ones (Existing tracks can serve as a guide, or if you prefer you can keep them as they are fully functional). Submitter BADGYVER Submitted 04/11/2024 Category Monuments  
  2. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    Fear of the deep sea? Now you can overcome it with this wonderful window to the ocean. Stand out on your server with Underwater Train Station, an underwater train station with access to the subway tunnel. - Contains: NPCS, Loot, Puzzles and a nice decoration. - Tip: You can remove the train tracks and put your own custom ones (Existing tracks can serve as a guide, or if you prefer you can keep them as they are fully functional).
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Now you will have a Rust style space for your clan, group or game team. The community is a circular space with several construction zones for your base or house. Surrounded by a large wall which offers a defense for your team. The community offers a decorative space for your Rust server, junkyard style.
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Give your professional players another reason to excel with this volcano. - To access the volcano you will have to overcome the oil ring to get to the main box, activate the elevator with a button that will give you access to the elevator door. - As you go down to the volcano via the elevator, you can equip yourself and take some anti-radiation pills, you will need them. - Inside the volcano you will have to choose wisely the way to activate the door using a fuse and a red card, be careful, the access to this mechanism is dangerous, remember you are in a volcano, the ground is lava!!!!

    H1Z1 Lab

    Version 1.0.1


    Will you be willing to give your life to find fortune? IT CONTAINS: H1Z1 Lab is an experimental laboratory with various puzzles to solve. It contains Zombies, NPC, traps, puzzles and an original crystal box in which you will get two hackable oil rig crates, plus extra loot of elite crates. VIDEO DEMO:
  6. Version 1.0.1


    The Arecibo Observatory, also known as the National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center (NAIC) and formerly known as the Arecibo Ionosphere Observatory, is an observatory in Barrio Esperanza, Arecibo, Puerto Rico owned by the US National Science Foundation (NSF). IT CONTAINS: Great variety of Parkour, Puzzles, NPCs, Loot, Hackable Crates and a nice decoration. RECOMMENDATION: This monument has a high difficulty to complete, it is recommended for two players, although with higher difficulty one player can also complete this monument.

    The Community

    View File The Community Now you will have a Rust style space for your clan, group or game team. The community is a circular space with several construction zones for your base or house. Surrounded by a large wall which offers a defense for your team. The community offers a decorative space for your Rust server, junkyard style. Submitter BADGYVER Submitted 08/12/23 Category Prefabs  
  8. View File Arecibo Observatory The Arecibo Observatory, also known as the National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center (NAIC) and formerly known as the Arecibo Ionosphere Observatory, is an observatory in Barrio Esperanza, Arecibo, Puerto Rico owned by the US National Science Foundation (NSF). IT CONTAINS: Great variety of Parkour, Puzzles, NPCs, Loot, Hackable Crates and a nice decoration. RECOMMENDATION: This monument has a high difficulty to complete, it is recommended for two players, although with higher difficulty one player can also complete this monument. Submitter BADGYVER Submitted 21/11/23 Category Monuments  

    H1Z1 Lab

    View File H1Z1 Lab Will you be willing to give your life to find fortune? IT CONTAINS: H1Z1 Lab is an experimental laboratory with various puzzles to solve. It contains Zombies, NPC, traps, puzzles and an original crystal box in which you will get two hackable oil rig crates, plus extra loot of elite crates. VIDEO DEMO: Submitter BADGYVER Submitted 03/09/23 Category Monuments  
  10. View File Volcanic Research Give your professional players another reason to excel with this volcano. - To access the volcano you will have to overcome the oil ring to get to the main box, activate the elevator with a button that will give you access to the elevator door. - As you go down to the volcano via the elevator, you can equip yourself and take some anti-radiation pills, you will need them. - Inside the volcano you will have to choose wisely the way to activate the door using a fuse and a red card, be careful, the access to this mechanism is dangerous, remember you are in a volcano, the ground is lava!!!! Submitter BADGYVER Submitted 28/08/23 Category Monuments  
  11. View File Train Station - A classic train station to decorate and park the trains on your map. - It consists of two spaces for railway tracks, one for creating a respawn point for trains and one for running, it also contains NPCs, loot and a hackable box. Submitter BADGYVER Submitted 08/28/2023 Category Monuments  
  12. Version 1.0.0


    - A classic train station to decorate and park the trains on your map. - It consists of two spaces for railway tracks, one for creating a respawn point for trains and one for running, it also contains NPCs, loot and a hackable box.
  13. View File Build Zone Dome Players will be able to build inside this dome. Build Zone Dome is a safe dome for players to build inside. It contains a door that you can open and close, as well as its own lighting and vertical signs to draw on. Submitter BADGYVER Submitted 08/27/2023 Category Prefabs  

    Arena Dome

    View File Arena Dome Create epic player vs. player battles with this original arena. Arena Dome is fully compatible with Zone Manager and Event Manager. Arena Dome contains NPCs, loot, walls for players to cover their backs, and several towers for players to shoot from above. Submitter BADGYVER Submitted 08/27/2023 Category Monuments  
  15. View File Aircraft Carrier Decorate the ocean with this Aircraft Carrier. Aircraft Carrier contains a large space to place helicopter. It also contains NPC, helicopter respawn and a hackable box. Submitter BADGYVER Submitted 08/26/2023 Category Prefabs  
  16. View File Air Build Zone An original air zone for players on your server to build. Air Build Zone consists of 4 zones to build in, these zones will light up your night skies. Submitter BADGYVER Submitted 08/26/2023 Category Prefabs  

    Cursed Temple

    View File Cursed Temple The Cursed Temple is a place full of vegetation, simulating an ancient temple buried in a forest and with access to doors that you can open with a card reader. This Cursed Temple is a prefab that you can use to decorate your maps. It only contains what is shown in the pictures, the interior is left to your imagination. Submitter BADGYVER Submitted 08/26/2023 Category Prefabs  
  18. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    Players will be able to build inside this dome. Build Zone Dome is a safe dome for players to build inside. It contains a door that you can open and close, as well as its own lighting and vertical signs to draw on.
  19. Version 1.0.0


    Create epic player vs. player battles with this original arena. Arena Dome is fully compatible with Zone Manager and Event Manager. Arena Dome contains NPCs, loot, walls for players to cover their backs, and several towers for players to shoot from above.
  20. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    Decorate the ocean with this Aircraft Carrier. Aircraft Carrier contains a large space to place helicopter. It also contains NPC, helicopter respawn and a hackable box.
  21. Version 1.0.0


    An original air zone for players on your server to build. Air Build Zone consists of 4 zones to build in, these zones will light up your night skies.
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