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South America

This is a free download custom map (Procedural map) outlining South America and its surroundings with some custom monuments that will be added in later versions.
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Hydrae Oxide

Hydrae Oxide 4K is our second free map project
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AutoCopter brings you all the tools needed to survive the Rust Apocalypse while flying in your private helicopter.
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Tanks Factory

This is great alternative of Launch Site. For looting needs red card.
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Cobalt Police Department

Custom Monument for RUST
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10 Screenshots

A modified Fishing Village with elements combined from both Compound & Bandit Camp:


~All vending machines 

~Airwolf vendor for helicopters and minis


Entity Count : 244

What's New in Version v1.1   See changelog



The products, whether modified or not, and all intellectual property and copyright contained therein,
are and shall at all times remain our sole and exclusive property. You agree that under no circumstances,
whether the product has been modified or not, shall you have or attempt to claim ownership of any intellectual property rights or copyright in the product.
You can only use this for your server, for your own personal purposes.
You are prohibited from reselling and distributing this content to others.
You are not allowed to impersonate my content as a rework or not.

After posting this content on your map, please in case you break it. Before saving, re-create all my content in the custom prefab.

Shiro's other works

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