Ever wanted to make SAMSites shoot at the Patrol Helicopter or any other vehicles/entities? Well you can with SAM Site Targets, Config is easy and simple, use https://github.com/OrangeWulf/Rust-Docs/blob/master/Entities.md to find the entities shortprefabname, and change the config and bam!
Unfortunately the default targeting vehicles like the minicopter are hardcoded in the samsite code, so if u change the targeting range to under 150 it wont work as the hardcoded value takes over...
If you have the permission set to "", it would make it so all SAMSites attack that entity, bypassing the entity owner check!
{ "Entities": { "attackhelicopter.entity": { "Can be targeted by static SAM Sites?": true, "Enabled": false, "Permission": "samsitetargets.attackhelicopter", "Rocket damage multiplier!": 1.0, "Rocket speed multiplier!": 1.0, "Seconds between rocket bursts!": 5.0, "Targeting range!": 150.0 }, "bradleyapc": { "Can be targeted by static SAM Sites?": true, "Enabled": false, "Permission": "samsitetargets.bradley", "Rocket damage multiplier!": 1.0, "Rocket speed multiplier!": 1.0, "Seconds between rocket bursts!": 5.0, "Targeting range!": 150.0 }, "ch47.entity": { "Can be targeted by static SAM Sites?": true, "Enabled": false, "Permission": "samsitetargets.ch47", "Rocket damage multiplier!": 1.0, "Rocket speed multiplier!": 1.0, "Seconds between rocket bursts!": 5.0, "Targeting range!": 150.0 }, "minicopter.entity": { "Can be targeted by static SAM Sites?": true, "Enabled": false, "Permission": "samsitetargets.minicopter", "Rocket damage multiplier!": 1.0, "Rocket speed multiplier!": 1.0, "Seconds between rocket bursts!": 5.0, "Targeting range!": 150.0 }, "patrolhelicopter": { "Can be targeted by static SAM Sites?": true, "Enabled": false, "Permission": "samsitetargets.patrolheli", "Rocket damage multiplier!": 1.0, "Rocket speed multiplier!": 1.0, "Seconds between rocket bursts!": 5.0, "Targeting range!": 150.0 }, "scraptransporthelicopter": { "Can be targeted by static SAM Sites?": true, "Enabled": false, "Permission": "samsitetargets.scrapheli", "Rocket damage multiplier!": 1.0, "Rocket speed multiplier!": 1.0, "Seconds between rocket bursts!": 5.0, "Targeting range!": 150.0 } } }
What's New in Version 1.1.0 See changelog
Added attack helicopter entity
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Copyright © 2022 NubbbZ (Discord: NubbbZ#4586)