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South America

This is a free download custom map (Procedural map) outlining South America and its surroundings with some custom monuments that will be added in later versions.
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Colditz by Niko


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Colditz by Niko

About Colditz By Niko [HDRP]

Welcome to Colditz, the notorious WWII Prisoner of War camp used to house the prisoners who could not be housed elsewhere. This is a premium custom monument

This is a scaled recreation along the same lines that were done with my Alcatraz monument. You will find all the main areas with details of some of the escape attempts, not only the
ones that succeeded but also the ones that failed. Of course it has been rustified for the game.

You will need all coloured cards along with approx. 10 fuses to get all the loot. Scientists have been placed at the same strategic spots where guards patrolled
and machine gun nests (outpost statics) in the same places. 




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