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South America

This is a free download custom map (Procedural map) outlining South America and its surroundings with some custom monuments that will be added in later versions.
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Cobalt Police Department

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Villa Rosenkreuz 1.0.0


   (1 review)

7 Screenshots

A modern styled PVE prefab that can be used for Roleplay purposes and not only .

It comes with height mask , splat mask , biome mask and topology mask.

It comes mostly empty due the fact that most people in my experience preffer to furnish them themselves than have them already furnished if requested it can be furnished.

~Car from the pictures is not provided ~

Entity Count :  1089

To use this on your map copy the files from "Custom Prefabs" folder into your "CustomPrefabs" folder in RustEdit directory  and after that you can see your new prefab in the Custom Prefabs list in Rust Edit.

The products, whether modified or not, and all intellectual property and copyright contained therein,
are and shall at all times remain our sole and exclusive property. You agree that under no circumstances,
whether the product has been modified or not, shall you have or attempt to claim ownership of any intellectual property rights or copyright in the product.
You can only use this for your server, for your own personal purposes.
You are prohibited from reselling and distributing this content to others.
You are not allowed to impersonate my content as a rework or not.

After posting this content on your map, please in case you break it. Before saving, re-create all my content in the custom prefab.

Shiro's other works

User Feedback

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Great looking modern house, Pair this with the Modern Public Heli Tower to have a very cool base setup for players 😁 But of course very useful as a public tower too 

Link to review
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