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South America

This is a free download custom map (Procedural map) outlining South America and its surroundings with some custom monuments that will be added in later versions.
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Hydrae Oxide

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AutoCopter brings you all the tools needed to survive the Rust Apocalypse while flying in your private helicopter.
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Tanks Factory

This is great alternative of Launch Site. For looting needs red card.
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Cobalt Police Department

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ChuteUp 1.0.1


   (0 reviews)

1 Screenshot




Do you want to really enjoy the parachutes in Rust or unlock another feature for your VIP?

Then ChuteUp is exactly the right thing for your server. Let yourself be catapulted into the air with a simple command.



You can start the ChuteUp command with height information:


/chuteup 600 


To use the command, you need the authorization:





You do not have a config with this plugin.


load, run, enjoy 💝
Nach unten zeigendes Dougie Payne GIF von Travis

No copying, editing or reselling. Any additions can be asked for!

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