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South America

This is a free download custom map (Procedural map) outlining South America and its surroundings with some custom monuments that will be added in later versions.
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StarterEvent 1.2.0


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1 Screenshot



This plugin creates a secret crate after a restart, mapwipe, fullwipe or forcewipe.
The coordinates are displayed in the chat and the players have to find the crate on the map. As soon as it has been located, the crate is removed from the map.

I have set it up with Event Manager and other plugins so that it is only executed after a fullwipe. It's very popular, especially when they reward players with building materials, it doesn't hurt anyone and the winner is happy that he can build something small straight away.


You can also trigger it as an admin and owner without authorization.


When others use this comand, they give the authorization



  "Crate Contents": [
      "Amount": 6000,
      "ShortName": "wood"
      "Amount": 4000,
      "ShortName": "stones"
      "Amount": 100,
      "ShortName": "lowgradefuel"
  "Crate Skin ID": "2753036242",
  "Event Start Delay (Minutes)": 10


Pointing Down Dougie Payne GIF by Travis
load, run, enjoy 💝


Edited by RustFlash

What's New in Version 1.2.0   See changelog


🆕 | Changelogs Version 1.2.0
➔ | Improved: Minor optimizations and bug fixes.
➔ | Added: New items to the default configuration of the secret crate.
- Wood (6000 units) | Stones (4000 units) | Cloth (200 units) | Low Grade Fuel (100 units)

No copying, editing or reselling. Any additions can be asked for!


RustFlash's other works

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