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South America

This is a free download custom map (Procedural map) outlining South America and its surroundings with some custom monuments that will be added in later versions.
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Hydrae Oxide

Hydrae Oxide 4K is our second free map project
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AutoCopter brings you all the tools needed to survive the Rust Apocalypse while flying in your private helicopter.
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Tanks Factory

This is great alternative of Launch Site. For looting needs red card.
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Cobalt Police Department

Custom Monument for RUST
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ChristmasDead 1.0.6


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1 Screenshot




Are you also a big Christmas fan and want a little more Christmas feeling in the game?
With this plugin you can turn the bodies of NPCs and players into a snowman. Animals get a Christmassy wreath. I have set it so that the items spawn offset next to the corpse so that it does not interfere with looting or mining! You can adjust the duration in the config until it despawns.



  "Spawn Snowman for Players": true,
  "Spawn Snowman for NPCs": true,
  "Spawn Christmas Door Wreath for Animals": true,
  "Show Duration (Seconds)": 15

load, run, enjoy 💝
Nach unten zeigendes Dougie Payne GIF von Travis

Edited by RustFlash

What's New in Version 1.0.6   See changelog


🆕 | Changelogs

➔ | DirectCallHook bug fix

No copying, editing or reselling. Any additions can be asked for!
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