Featured Downloads
Deutschland 4K By Shiro
- $25
- 0 reviews
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Deutschland 4K has been made after the shape of Germany (Deutschland) in collaboration with @Ixis to resemble the country's tactical monument placements and several aspects , maps terrain and roadside / miscellaneous prefabs spread around were placed to encourage players interactions and PVP , it features all popular procgen monuments and couple custom monuments aswell. This map features Colditz from Niko , couple prefabs amd from me along with the garage monument and monuments/prefabs f -
ChristmasDead By RustFlash
- $1.99
- 0 reviews
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ChristmasDead Features Are you also a big Christmas fan and want a little more Christmas feeling in the game? With this plugin you can turn the bodies of NPCs and players into a snowman. Animals get a Christmassy wreath. I have set it so that the items spawn offset next to the corpse so that it does not interfere with looting or mining! You can adjust the duration in the config until it despawns. Config: { "Spawn Snowman for Players": true, "Spawn Snowman for NP -
rust Hydrae Oxide By Shiro
- 4 reviews
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Hydrae Oxide 4K is our second free map project that i started in november featuring custom monuments and prefabs from our vendors , unfortunately back then we were not able to release it due to issues with Linux servers hosting this map , so i had to redo whole map from 0 after my medical break! Finally i picked up the project again in February and worked on it every x days when i found time and now it is here ! Featuring monuments and prefabs , freebies from our vendors! Map has unique la -
Custom Map Skull-Invasion By IlIDestroyerIlI
- $15
- 0 reviews
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About Custom Map Skull-Invasion 3.0K Hello, This Skull-Invasion map is part of a 2-series collection. This particular series is smaller in size, measuring 3000, while series 2 is larger at 3500, designed for servers with higher populations. I drew inspiration from one of the maps I played on when I first started playing Rust. I always had a vision of creating a unique map in the shape of a skull. The feedback I received for this map has been overwhelmingly positive. Players