Featured Downloads
The Oxide Custom Map By Shiro
- 2 reviews
- 797
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The Oxide is a free custom map from an upcomming series we will shortly release , it features vanilla monuments and a few custom freebies from Pravum and Star . Terrain , topology and layout was made by Shiro and DocNorris Map Size : 4000 Entity Count : 12210 -
Automate Your Rust Server Monetization with the WeOxide Shop and Woxide plugin By Shiro
- $8
- 0 reviews
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- 1
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Woxide is an Oxide plugin that streamlines the process of integrating your Rust server with your WeOxide Shop. Designed for server owners who prefer to set up their own payment gateways, Woxide enables you to automate the delivery of in-game purchases without sacrificing control or revenue. When a player makes a purchase on your website, this plugin will automatically detect the purchase and run the corresponding command in-game, such as adding the player to a VIP group or giving them -
ChristmasDead By RustFlash
- $1.99
- 0 reviews
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ChristmasDead Features Are you also a big Christmas fan and want a little more Christmas feeling in the game? With this plugin you can turn the bodies of NPCs and players into a snowman. Animals get a Christmassy wreath. I have set it so that the items spawn offset next to the corpse so that it does not interfere with looting or mining! You can adjust the duration in the config until it despawns. Config: { "Spawn Snowman for Players": true, "Spawn Snowman for NP -
AdditionalUpgrades By Shiro
- $25
- 0 reviews
- 2
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Want to make upgrading bases more in depth? Got a RP server? Welcome AdditionalUpgrades, In this plugin you are able to make custom items, add them to loot sources or be obtainable through gathering wood/ore! Configure what tier of upgrade needs what, and with this amazing system you are able to make upgrading bases more in depth! Notes: To obtain ItemIDs use this website Need more custom items? Contact me directly... Permi